Finding Clean » Clean Food, Clean Mind, Clean Living

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    When my son started having allergic reactions to multiple foods, I tried to find reasons to explain what was happening. After much research, I discovered that our food system is broken. Beyond that discovery, I also learned that we are exposed to toxic chemicals in almost every aspect of our daily lives. I was overwhelmed with information and frustrated by the things I couldn't control. One day I found myself crying in the grocery store, reading label after label, knowing that I didn't want to feed my family this way any longer.

    And so began my journey to research, learn, and find a way to live a cleaner life. It's still a work in progress but, using the 80/20 rule, I very much enjoy the challenge. Finding Clean is a way for me to share my discoveries with the world, and to show people that change doesn't have to be so hard.

    "Be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Ghandi

    So here I am, hopefully changing the world (or at least my little corner of it). If you want to join in, start HERE at the beginning.


Lack of regulation

If we want to see greed at it’s worst, we should look no further than the personal care industry.  Baby shampoo with neurotoxins, moisturizer with hormone disruptors, and laundry detergent with allergens — the list goes on and on and on.  People have a general feeling of trust for the products found on store shelves, but buyer beware […]

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Coffee Creamer

As fall drifts in and winter is near, I find that I crave coffee more and more.  Although, I do love Starbucks and their multitude of delightful java drinks, I have tried to minimize my consumption ever since reading The Food Babe’s investigation into the quality of their food & coffee.  It also proves to […]

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Salad Dressing

Okay, let’s talk about salad dressing.  Quite possibly one of the most “unhealthy” things that we eat while trying to do something good for our bodies.  Most of the salad dressings in the conventional grocery store are full of artificial ingredients, chemicals, GMO’s and food coloring (just to name a few).   I’m not sure […]

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