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I love Cool Whip

Seriously, I love the taste of Cool Whip.  I think the only time I ever really eat it is at Thanksgiving when somebody makes a pumpkin pie (which is rare since nobody in my family will eat Pumpkin Pie).  But still, I’ve been known to stick a spoon in there and just eat it plain.  I know, pretty gross right?

Not too long ago, a friend introduced me to a fun frozen treat, and I wanted to find a better alternative to Cool Whip.  Some would say to just make homemade whipped cream because it’s so easy, but sometimes I just want something even EASIER than that.  Enter truwhip.  It’s not perfect (still has sugar and oil, but mostly organic), and it is lacking LOTS of other nasty stuff that Cool Whip has (like GMO’s, hydrogenated oils, artificial flavor, HFCS, etc).  So, if you happen to be at Whole Foods, pick some up in the frozen aisle and keep it in your freezer.   For the frozen treat, put some truwhip between two graham cracker pieces and freeze on a cookie sheet for a yummy “ice cream graham-wich.”  :)


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